Summer time is finally here time to enjoy the warm weather this usually mean.
- Outdoor activities
- Longer walks with your furry friends
- Fun in the sun
If it is too hot for you then it is twice as hot for your dog. Before you take your dog outside for those long walks follow the 5 second rule.

- Put the back of your hand on the pavement
- Hold it there for 5 second
If you are unable to hold it there then it is definitely too hot to walk your dog. Walking your dog in these conditions can cause your dog paw pads to burn on hot pavement.

Never leave your pet outside for a long period of time unlike humans dogs do not sweat they rely on panting to cool themselves off. Temperature over 80 degree outside with high humidity can cause heat exhaustion which can lead to heat related health issues.

- Make sure they have plenty of water
- Encourage your dog to sit in the shade
- Provide a damp towel for them to lay on
If your dog love being outside you may want to plan some water activities to cool your dog down on a hot summer day.

- Turn on sprinkler
- Invest in a doggie pool
- Water time with the hose
Summer time can be fun for both you and your pets so as you are planning outdoor activities for you and your family don’t forget your furry friends.